Flaming Arrows

From the Armor Series

“In every situation, take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” Ephesians 6:16 CSB

Hey friend,

When we were together last, we introduced the Shield of Faith in the Armor Series. If you missed it, you can find it here.

Do you have seasons in life where it feels like all you do is put out fires? Fires range from situations that arise with your kids, your finances, your family, your health, your marriage, and even your job. Every way you turn there is some kind of situation that demands your attention. Exhausting, right?

The last post ended with the nagging question “Why is it so imperative that we wear the shield of faith?” Let’s go back to our key verse from earlier in the week. “In every situation take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

The latter part of this verse reveals the answer to our why – “with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” Did you notice what kind of arrows the evil one is sending our way? Friend, not just regular arrows but FLAMING arrows that have a very specific job.

Historically when these flaming arrows were used in battle, they were not primarily meant to destroy or kill the opponent. They were specifically meant to distract. If the enemy was successful at setting a canvas wagon or tent on fire, they knew they had accomplished their goal of making their opponent focus more on the blaze rather than the attacking enemy.

Make no mistake, your enemy wants to distract you with anything that he can hurl your way. He has a strategic plan to blindside you so that you focus more on the distraction than the actual issue. He will target you with insecurities, anxiety, fear, doubt, discouragement, guilt, sickness, hopelessness, and comparison just to name a few. He will hit on your weaknesses and intimidate you with a plethora of things. He will sidetrack you with busyness and get you to entertain thoughts of doubt and disobedience. He will try everything to cripple you with fear and paralyze you with your past mistakes.

But the story doesn’t end there in a state of hopelessness, dear friend. Oh no! Paul puts extra focus on this piece of armor. He tells us that when we take up our shield of faith, we CAN and WILL be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. It’s not a maybe or hope so kind of faith. Sweet friend, it’s a sure thing that we can count on.

One thing is certain - when God calls you to step out on faith, you can bank on the enemy sending those flaming arrows your way to try to derail you from God’s plan. However, we have the power to extinguish them by boldly walking in faith. It really is as simple as taking God at His word and trusting that He will see us through. We are the ones that make it harder when we doubt that God’s word is trustworthy. If we have to see the blueprint or know how the outcome will be, is that really faith? 

Priscilla Shirer says it best when she says, “The enemy knows the power of faith, too. And that’s why he’s working overtime to keep you too busy or too afraid to take the risk. The only way strongholds can be broken in your life is if you push past any “internal fires”, refuse to let them distract you any longer, and get that shield of faith in position.”

Are you ready?

Dear God,

Thank you for the confidence in taking you at your word. If you call us to something, you will see us through all the way to completion. Thank you for Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross. Forgive me for getting distracted by the enemy’s flaming arrows. Help me to get my shield of faith into position. Thank you for giving me victory over the enemy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dig Deeper:

20.  But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is [a]dead? 26. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. James 2:20, 26 NKJV


Where do you detect flaming arrows in your life?

What situation are you struggling with where it’s been hard to walk out faith?

Commit these areas to God and ask for help.