Living and Walking in Freedom

From the Armor Series

“Discernment is not a matter of simply telling the difference between what is right and wrong; rather it is the difference between right and almost right.” - Charles Spurgeon

Hey friend,

Earlier in the week we introduced the belt of truth in the armor series and touched a little on why we need to wear it. You can read it here if you missed it. We left off with two questions to ponder.

1.      How do you define truth in your life?

2.      How have you handled the moments when your desires haven’t matched up with God’s word?

It wouldn’t matter how many people you polled on the question of “How do you define truth?” chances are you probably wouldn’t get the same response. Everyone seems to have their own definition of truth. However, there is only one true definition of truth and that is what God’s opinion and response is on a matter. God is the one who sets the standard on any topic, person, place, or thing. What God says on a matter should always be our compass and starting line.

Our enemy, the deceiver, lurks around in darkness in hopes that he can pull the wool over our eyes by lining things up so close to the truth that we really can’t tell them apart. He tries to make us think that happiness is found on the other side of the fence. He makes evil and darkness look enticing and godly things look like a bore. It’s no wonder that a spouse can feel justified in an affair or when making inappropriate decisions. Behind the scenes, the enemy is doing what he does best - creating an illusion and convincing the person that they are the exception to the rule.

Make no mistake friend – our enemy is clever. Extremely clever. This is why we need to put on the belt of truth every single day. We mustn’t be caught without it. God’s truth is the light that exposes the darkness of the enemy’s illusions and deception. 2 Corinthians 11:14 tells us, “And no wonder! For Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” Satan will stop at nothing to make you think that the thoughts he is dangling in front of you are acceptable or that the person you are flirting with is harmless. He packages everything in such a way that it looks and sounds like the part but don’t’ be deceived friend – it’s totally counterfeit.

The Bible tells us in John 8:32, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” There is freedom found in the truth of God’s word. Rest assured, the enemy doesn’t want us living and operating in freedom which is why he tries to keep us bound in shackles and chains.  But not today Satan! Not today!

In the next post, we will unpack more about the belt of truth. Until then, I want to leave you on an encouraging note. It doesn’t matter what lie or deception from the enemy you believed yesterday or even five minutes ago, through Jesus Christ, you can know the truth and the truth can set you free. Period. No “ifs, ands, or buts.”

As blood-bought daughters of the almighty King, it’s time we stake our claim and stand firm on the truth of God’s word. Are you with me?

Dear God,

I stand in awe of your goodness. Even when the enemy is hurling deception and illusions my way, I can stand on the promises of your word and I will not be shaken. When I think of all that the enemy has stolen from me, I get so angry. Forgive me of all the times I allowed myself to be deceived by the “almost right”. Keep my eyes open and alert to his tactics and schemes. Give me discernment to know when something isn’t true. In Jesus name. Amen.

Dig Deeper:

John 8:32 CSB “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

2 Corinthians 11:14 CSB “And no wonder! For Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”


Where do you see the enemy trying to sell you an illusion in your marriage? If nothing comes to mind, pray and ask God to reveal thoughts or actions that Satan could be using.

What is one thing you can do today to implement God’s truth in your marriage?