Living In Unity

From the Armor Series

“Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3 CSB

Hey friend,

One of Satan’s key weapons against you and me is to distract us from focusing on something other than the real problem. One of his favorite schemes is to stir up conflict and disunity. Disunity in relationships, marriages, places of employment, and even churches is right on the enemy’s agenda. Divide and conquer is often his motto and wow, he’s really good at it.

 The enemy tries his dead-level best to trick us into not realizing that we are really in a battle. However, this battle has been raging since Satan was kicked out of Heaven. Even though Jesus has defeated Him, Satan will not surrender.

Ephesians 4:3 says, “Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” God inspired Paul to encourage us to make every effort possible to keep unity in our life. God doesn’t tell us to establish unity but rather keep something that He has already created. This unity that we are to keep is tied to our character as Christians and is based on the work of the Holy Spirit living inside each one of us and not based on our own human strength.

When we strive to rely on God’s strength and His strength alone, God’s Spirit can override human differences and hold people together through the bond of peace just like our key verse says. Peace, where there might have been conflict once before, will act like a belt that holds everything together.

As much as we might think, our spouse isn’t the real problem. It goes much deeper than that, friend. If you are not living in unity with your spouse, I encourage you to ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see where the enemy is dividing and conquering. Remember, prayer is the key that activates the armor that we wear as believers. We have been given every tool to fight victoriously, we just need to use them.

Dear God,

Thank you for being a God of harmony and unity. The division isn’t from you, and I thank you for opening up my eyes to that. Open my spiritual eyes to see when the enemy is attacking my marriage and trying to divide me and my husband. Help me to see if quick so that I don’t give the enemy a foothold in my marriage. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


What area do you have the most disunity in your marriage?

What is one thing you can do today to make every effort to keep the unity with your spouse?