Why Does It Matter for God to be Lord In Our Lives?

Special Guest Post Series

Kingdom Living from Tony Evans

Keeping “Lord” With God


The first conversation between the devil and a human was also about God. Not only that, but it was also about God’s word. Satan asked Eve, “Did God really say…?” (Gen. 3:1) And Satan did this because he knew in order to get rid of God’s rule, he had to get rid of the authority of God’s word.

A very important part of Satan’s strategy is that he didn’t seek to get rid of religion. The whole conversation was about God. In fact, he even went so far as to tell Eve that she could “be like God” (Gen 3:5). Satan doesn’t mind religion. You can go to church all day long if you want. What he does mind, though, is when you acknowledge God as ruler over your life. This is evidenced by a clever maneuver Satan pulled on Eve.

Prior to the conversation between the woman and the snake, the creator is referenced in scripture as “Lord God”. This means “ruler, absolute authority.” Yet when Satan talked with Eve, he removed the name “Lord”. He purposefully left out the fundamental principle that God is the rightful King over His kingdom. The issue in the garden was really about whose word would be final.

Will God be “Lord God” to you? Or will you just say that He is “God” while making your own decisions? Whenever you allow the evil one to cause you to question the ultimate authority of God in your life, you jeopardize your influence in God’s kingdom. That is why so many Christians never fully live out their destinies. In the garden, Satan also challenged God’s authority by trying to persuade Eve to think that God was being jealous about the matter of deity. But Satan knew no one could be like God. How did he know? Because he had tried it already himself and gotten thrown out of heaven for his efforts. Nevertheless, Satan attempted to sell Eve the same exact lie he had once sold to himself.

God created you for His glory. So, whenever you try to take glory for yourself and live independently of Him, you are living outside of your intended purpose.

Hey friend,

This reminder from Tony’s Kingdom Living Series is just what I needed to hear, and I hope it really encourages your heart. The enemy is still doing his dead-level best to get us to doubt God and His word. It was the issue then in the garden as well as now in our culture. The question is – Who will we chose to listen to? Will we allow God to be “Lord God” to us? Friend - It’s a choice. Let’s be women who choose wisely.

Dear heavenly Father,

Thank you reminding me about the devil’s schemes. Give me eyes and ears to recognize when he tries to get me to doubt you and your word. Help me to always look to your leadership as Lord of my life. Help me to see when I’m trying to go my own way and put me back in alignment under you. Only you know what is best for me – I trust you Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Dig Deeper:

Isaiah 55:8-9 CSB “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
and your ways are not my ways.” This is the Lord’s declaration.9 “For as heaven is higher than

earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”